high standards; instructional vision

That ding you just heard was another text or email coming in to a principal who is already overworked and underappreciated as he or she tries to get through the last lunch of the day without having to call an ambulance or calm down an irate parent. It leaves us to wonder how in the world a principal might have the time to set forth an instructional vision and if that vision can somehow, someway mesh with the increasing demands we all feel related to state accountability measures and teacher appraisal. To wrap our arms around these disparate initiatives and bring them together under one unifying vision, a top-notch instructional leader must know the key levers to pull to make it all work. That means…

leadership, instructional leadership

All great instructional leaders worth their weight have to know what great instruction looks like when they see it. There is simply no way to successfully lead school improvement and turnaround initiatives if you don’t know what you’re looking for when you walk into a classroom. The problem is that we often have different definitions of what those things are and it begs a myriad of questions related to a principal’s role in guiding teacher growth. Instructional coach? Mentor? Evaluator? Visionary? This debate found its way onto the internet recently and that made for some frustrated school leaders who chimed in on the discussion. For me, the discussion provided some deep thinking about what we mean when we say that our principals should lead instructionally.…

Getting a promotion

There is a common refrain that is heard among most employees in most industries related to building strong resumes and the role they play in getting a promotion. That tune is often coupled with complaints from many of us that the great changes and innovations we seek would be possible “if only we were in charge.” While having a great resume is helpful, and while having a fancy title looks good on a business card, the world is full of great leaders who had neither of those. In fact, we have to wonder if a great resume and a fancy title are precursors to one’s success as a leader or the outcomes of it. No matter what you believe to be true, there is plenty…

Educational Leadership, A tribute to principals

The best I have I give to my school. That is the reality and nobility of selflessness and sacrifice that forms the measure of every great principal that I know. Though teachers get a lot of credit for the great work that they do (and they should), principals are too often overlooked or mischaracterized as school building managers. Not the principals that I know. The principals that I know and admire are true believers, deep thinkers, innovators, problem-solvers, teachers, motivators, mentors and care-givers to the children, faculty and staffs in their schools. For those who have never been a principal, let’s take a look inside a school to better understand what is happening this morning.   School Principal: The Most Demanding Job in Education 7:28…

high standards; instructional vision

That ding you just heard was another text or email coming in to a principal who is already overworked and underappreciated as he or she tries to get through the last lunch of the day without having to call an ambulance or calm down an irate parent. It leaves us to wonder how in the world a principal might have the time to set forth an instructional vision and if that vision can somehow, someway mesh with the increasing demands we all feel related to state accountability measures and teacher appraisal. To wrap our arms around these disparate initiatives and bring them together under one unifying vision, a top-notch instructional leader must know the key levers to pull to make it all work. That means…

school-leadership; instructional leadership

All great instructional leaders worth their weight have to know what great instruction looks like when they see it. There is simply no way to successfully lead school improvement and turnaround initiatives if you don’t know what you’re looking for when you walk into a classroom. The problem is that we often have different definitions of what those things are and it begs a myriad of questions related to a principal’s role in guiding teacher growth. Instructional coach? Mentor? Evaluator? Visionary? This debate found its way onto the internet the other day and that made for some frustrated school leaders who chimed in on the discussion. For me, the discussion provided some deep thinking about what we mean when we say that our principals should…

leadership, instructional leadership

The art and science of teaching is familiar to all school leaders and no one seems to challenge the notion that there are complex subtleties that master teachers possess that less effective teachers do not. We all know that our best teachers apply practical routines and processes (like setting up desks or tables) that any teacher can learn to do with highly nuanced, artistic skills (like how to get all students involved in a discussion) that are nearly impossible to measure and difficult to master. In turn, the art of teaching is the secret ingredient missing in many classrooms and the challenge for researchers and trainers who are charged with creating a framework of best practices that all teachers can employ. The truth is that…

Great leaders in schools are not unlike the great leaders of industry, small businesses and non-profits. There have been countless studies and books written about the most successful leadership tactics and tendencies, all of which reach similar conclusions about the best practices in leading and managing that we all know and have studied for decades. Similar studies exist that outline the best practices for teachers, the intricacies of great pedagogy that master teachers drop into their lessons in a seamless array of thises and thats that inspire children to grow at impressive rates. Those instructional best practices for teachers have made their way onto countless checklists and frameworks that principals use to monitor teacher growth. Still, here’s the thing. If we already know what makes…

Let me reiterate what has been said countless times. Leadership matters. This is especially true in schools and school districts where so much is at stake and where nearly everyone has an opinion about how schools should be run. Let me also reiterate my continued support for the dedicated and kindred spirits who each day stare down the awesome challenges of leadership in today’s public schools. They are heroes all. Still, despite our best efforts, academic progress in our schools is slow and we must own that. Blaming our shortcomings on politicians or public policy is not bold and is not leadership. Blaming teachers is cowardly, blaming parents naïve. What did Gandhi tell us?  “We must be the change we wish to see in the…