Why You

leadership, educationBecause leadership matters. Because schools matter. So, that means that YOU matter. No matter what the future holds, our children will require you to think big, to lead and not follow and to embrace the challenge of getting it right. That will require you to read, study and practice in hopes of ensuring a future where the most successful and innovative schools and school systems are led by the most knowledgeable and innovative instructional leaders. I was asked recently to sit on a panel to answer questions from young instructional leaders about how to learn and grow in this profession. At that event, one of the aspiring leaders asked where he could go to learn more about how to lead schools and experiment with new ways to grow and challenge our children. My hope is that this blog is one such place. My hope is that this blog can offer some advice and experiences to this young leader and to others just like him with the full expectation that they will lead us to grand places in the future that none of us have yet seen and few of us have even imagined.

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